Vietnam: Financial Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy Diagnostic Review and Implementation Support (2014 – 2015)


The 2014 diagnostic review of Vietnam’s financial consumer protection framework was undertaken by the World Bank in response to a request from State Bank of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Vietnam’s Central Bank – SBV). The review covered the institutional, legal and regulatory framework for consumer protection in the banking, non- bank credit institutions, insurance, securities and credit reporting sectors of the financial system in Vietnam, as well as financial literacy strategies and programs. It was based on the version of the World Bank’s Good Practices on Financial Consumer Protection, current at the time.

The review’s findings and recommendations are reflected in support being provided under the World Bank Financial Inclusion Support Framework (FISF) Program. Support has been given already in relation to Vietnam’s National Financial Inclusion Strategy. In the future it is expected that technical assistance will be provided in relation to development of the financial consumer protection legal and regulatory framework, related institutional capacity building and financial capability programs.

Ros was a co-Team Leader for the diagnostic review while working as a Senior Financial Sector Specialist with the World Bank.

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Project Resources

Vietnam Diagnostic Review of Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy Volume I: Vietnam CPFL Financial Sector Diagnostic Review

Vietnam Diagnostic Review of Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy Volume II: Vietnam CPFL Financial Sector Diagnostic Review