Papua New Guinea: Financial Consumer Protection and Diagnostic Review and Implementation Support (2017 – ongoing)


The 2017 diagnostic review was  based on the revised and enhanced 2017 World Bank Good Practices for Financial Consumer Protection, as well as the G20 High – Level Principles for Financial Consumer Protection and Digital Financial Inclusion. Regard has also been had to the Better Than Cash Alliance Responsible Digital Payments Guidelines.

The review was an interim step to inform planning for an ongoing  International Finance Corporation Consumer Protection Project for Papua New Guinea. This project covers, amongst other things, the development of the financial consumer protection regulatory framework, consumer recourse mechanisms, supervisory capacity building for the Bank of Papua New Guinea, and the strengthening of consumer awareness on key issues.

Ros was the expert consultant responsible for the diagnostic review of the  insurance and payments sectors and the preliminary review of the superannuation sector. She is also the lead consultant responsible for the ongoing technical advice on the financial consumer protection legal and regulatory framework.

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Papua New Guinea Financial Consumer Protection Diagnostic 2018